If you are driving, the postcode for your SATNAV is HP23 5NS. There will be ample road signs in place as you approach Chilfest. If travelling from London/M25 to the east or Aylesbury from the west, please use the A41 which will bring you right next to the site.
Getting to Chilfest VIP
Access to our VIP carpark is from the top of Cow Lane (
A4251), you will not be able to access the carpark from the bottom of Cow Lane
( Station Road) as the middle section of cow lane will be closed to vehicles
throughout the duration of the event.
If you are arriving to Chilfest by taxi, please follow the same directions as above.
Getting to Chilfest Main Car Park ( CAR PARK CHARGE £7)
Access to our carpark is from the bottom of Cow Lane ( Station Road end), you will not be
able to access the carpark from the top of Cow Lane ( A4251) as the middle
section of cow lane will be closed to vehicles throughout the duration of the